Socio-economic Data Dashboard
Geographical level:
Baja California
Baja California Sur
Coahuila de Zaragoza
Ciudad de México
Michoacán de Ocampo
Nuevo León
Quintana Roo
San Luis Potosí
Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave
Census variable theme:
Census variable:
Dwlgs with 1 room
Pct of dwlgs with 1 room
Dwlgs with 2 rooms
Pct of dwlgs with 2 rooms
Dwlgs with 3+ rooms
Pct of dwlgs to total dwellings with 3+ rooms
Avg occupants per room
Dwlgs with 1 bedroom
Pct of dwlgs with 1 bedroom
Dwlgs with 2+ bedrooms
Pct of dwlgs with 2+ bedrooms
Dwlgs with dirt floor
Pct of dwlgs with dirt floor
Pct of pop in dwlgs in overcrowded conditions
Dwlgs without toilet
Pct of dwlgs without toilet
Dwlgs without drainage
Pct of dwlgs without drainage
Dwlgs without piped water
Pct of dwlgs without piped water
Dwlgs without electrical energy
Pct of dwlgs without electrical energy
Dwlgs without electrical energy neither drainage network neither toilet with water intake
Pct of dwlgs without electrical energy neither drainage network neither toilet intake
Dwlgs without internet
Pct of dwlgs without internet
Dwlgs without computer
Pct of dwlgs without computer
Dwlgs without cellphone
Pct of dwlgs without cellphone
Dwlgs without tv
Pct of dwlgs without tv
Dwlgs without ICT
Pct of dwlgs without ICT
Dwlgs without cars
Pct of dwlgs without cars
Dwlgs with mtrcl
Pct of dwlgs with mtrcl
Dwlgs without vehicles
Pct of dwlgs without vehicles
Dwlgs with bicycle
Pct of dwlgs with bicycle
Dwlgs without refrigerator
Pct of dwlgs without refrigerator
Dwlgs without washing machine
Pct of dwlgs without washing machine
Dwlgs without goods
Pct of dwlgs without goods
Female-headed households
Pct of female-headed households
Male-headed households
Pct of male-headed households
Male pop
Female pop
Male/female ratio
Pop aged 0-2 yrs
Female pop aged 0-2 yrs
Male pop aged 0-2 yrs
Pop aged 3-5 yrs
Female pop aged 3-5 yrs
Male pop aged 3-5 yrs
Pop aged 6-11 yrs
Female pop aged 6-11 yrs
Male pop aged 6 -11 yrs
Pop aged 12-14 yrs
Female pop aged 12-14 yrs
Male pop aged 12-14 yrs
Pop aged 15-17 yrs
Female pop aged 15 -17 yrs
Male pop aged 15-17 yrs
Pop aged 18-24 yrs
Female pop aged 18-24 yrs
Male Pop aged 18 -24 yrs
Pop aged 25-59 yrs
Female Pop aged 25-59 yrs
Male Pop aged 25-59 yrs
Pop aged 60+ yrs
Female pop aged 60+ yrs
Male pop aged 60+ yrs
Age dependecy ratio
Child dependecy ratio
Old-age dependecy ratio
Avg of children born alive
Pop without health services
Pct of the pop without health services
Pct of pop living in localities < 5k pop
Illiterate pop
Pct of Illiterate pop
Illiterate female pop
Pct of Illiterate female pop
Illiterate male pop
Pct of illiterate male pop
Pop aged 6-11 yrs who do not go to school
Pct of pop aged 6-11 who do not go to school
Female pop aged 6-11 yrs who do not go to school
Pct of female pop aged 6-11 yrs who do not go to school
Male pop aged 6-11 yrs who do not go to school
Pct of male pop aged 6-11 yrs who do not go to school
Pop aged 12-14 yrs who do not go to school
Pct of pop aged 12-14 yrs who do not go to school
Female pop aged 12-14 yrs who do not go to school
Pct of female pop aged 12-14 yrs who do not go to school
Male pop aged 12-14 yrs who do not go to school
Pct of male pop aged 12-14 who do not go to school
Pop aged 15-17 who do not go to school
Pct of pop aged 15-17 yrs who do not go to school
Female pop aged 15-17 yrs who do not go to school
Pct of female pop aged 15-17 yrs who do not go to school
Male pop aged 15-17 yrs who do not go to school
Pct of male pop aged 15-17 yrs who do not go to school
Pop aged 18-24 yrs who do not go to school
Pct of pop aged 18-24 yrs who do not go to school
Female pop aged 18-24 yrs who do not go to school
Pct of female pop aged 18-24 yrs who do not go to school
Male pop aged 18-24 yrs who do not go to school
Pct of male pop aged 18-24 yrs who do not go to school
Avg number of completed yrs of education
Avg number of completed yrs of education of female pop
Avg number of completed yrs of education of male pop
Pct of pop aged 15+ without basic education
Employed pop
Employed female pop
Employed male pop
Unemployed pop
Unemployed female pop
Unemployed male pop
Employment rate
Employment rate, female
Employment rate, male
Economically inactive pop
Economically inactive female pop
Economically inactive male pop
Pct of employed pop with income of up to two minimum wages
Speakers of an indigenous language
Female speakers of an indigenous language
Male speakers of an indigenous language
Pop with disabilities
Pop with motor disabilities
Pop with visual disabilities
Marginalization level
Marginalization index
Urban social inclusion, national level
Urban social inclusion index scaled, national level
Urban social inclusion group, national level
Urban social inclusion, city level
Urban social inclusion index scaled, city level
Urban social inclusion group, city level
Geographical level:
Weighting area
Census tract
Centro Oeste
Census variable theme:
Census variable:
Dwlgs in urban context
Dwlgs in rural context
Dwlgs owned
Dwlgs rented
Dwlgs loaned
Dwlgs occupancy other
Dwlgs with mansory walls
Dwlgs with wood walls
Dwlgs with taipa walls
Dwlgs with straw walls
Dwlgs with other material
Dwlgs without walls
Dwlgs with 1 room
Dwlgs with 2 rooms
Dwlgs with 3+ rooms
Dwlgs with 1 bedroom
Dwlgs with 2+ bedrooms
Dwlgs without overcrowding
Dwlgs with bathrooms
Dwlgs with toilet
Dwlgs without toilet
Dwlgs with sewage system
Dwgls with sewage system and toilet
Pct of dwgls with sewage system and toilet
Dwlgs with pit sanitary system
Dwlgs with ditch sanitary system
Dwlgs with river sanitary sewage
Dwlgs with other sanitary sewage
Dwlgs with water network
Dwlgs with with well
Dwlgs that get water from a truck
Dwlgs with rainwater store
Dwlgs that get water from a river
Dwlgs with other water supply
Dwlgs with garbage collection service
Dwlgs that burnt the garbage
Dwlgs that buried the garbage
Dwlgs that put the garbage in a vacant space
Dwlgs with other garbage destination
Dwlgs with electrical energy
Dwlgs with internet
Dwlgs tv
Dwlgs with washing machine
Dwlgs with refrigerator
Dwlgs with cellphone
Dwlgs with computer
Dwlgs with motorcycle
Dwlgs with cars
Dwgls total
Pct of dwlgs urban context
Pct of dwlgs in rural context
Pct of dwlgs owned
Pct of dwlgs rented
Pct of dwlgs loaned
Pct of dwlgs occupancy other
Pct of dwlgs with mansory walls
Pct of dwlgs with wood walls
Pct of dwlgs with taipa walls
Pct of dwlgs with straw walls
Pct of dwlgs with other material
Pct of dwlgs without walls
Pct of dwlgs with 1 room
Pct of dwlgs with 2 rooms
Pct of dwlgs with 3+ rooms
Pct of dwlgs with 1 bedroom
Pct of dwlgs with 2 rooms
Pct of dwlgs without overcrowding
Pct of dwlgs with bathrooms
Pct of dwlgs with toilet
Pct of dwlgs without toilet
Pct of dwlgs with sewage system
Pct of dwlgs with pit sanitary system
Pct of dwlgs with ditch sanitary system
Pct of dwlgs with river sanitary sewage
Pct of dwlgs with other sanitary sewage
Pct of dwlgs with water network
Pct of dwlgs with water well
Pct of dwlgs that get water from a truck
Pct of dwlgs with rainwater store
Pct of dwlgs that get water from a river
Pct of dwlgs with other water supply
Pct of dwlgs with garbage collection service
Pct of dwlgs that burnt the garbage
Pct of dwlgs that buried the garbage
Pct of dwlgs that put the garbage in a vacant space
Pct of dwlgs with other garbage destination
Pct of dwlgs of dwlgs with electrical energy
Pct of dwlgs with internet
Pct of dwlgs with tv
Pct of dwlgs with washing machine
Pct of dwlgs with refrigerator
Pct of dwlgs with cellphone
Pct of dwlgs with computer
Pct of dwlgs with motorcycle
Pct of dwlgs with cars
Avg occupants per bedroom
Avgmontly household income
Avg montly household income per capita
Avg occupants per room
Avg rental value
Male pop
Female pop
Pop aged 0-5 yrs
Female pop aged 0-5 yrs
Male pop aged 0-5 yrs
Pop aged 6-11 yrs
Female pop aged 6-11 yrs
Male pop aged 6-11 yrs
Pop aged 12-17 yrs
Female pop aged 12-17 yrs
Male pop aged 12-17 yrs
Pop aged 18-24 yrs
Female pop aged 18-24 yrs
Male pop aged 18-24 yrs
Pop aged 25-64 yrs
Female pop aged 25-64 yrs
Male pop aged 25-64 yrs
Pop aged 65+ yrs
Female pop aged 65+ yrs
Male pop aged 65+ yrs
Age dependency ratio
Child dependency ratio
Old-age dependency ratio
Pop white
Female white pop
Male white pop
Pop black
Female black pop
Male black pop
Pop yellow
Female yellow pop
Male yellow pop
Pop brown
Female brown pop
Male brown pop
Pop indigenous
Female indigenous pop
Male indigenous pop
Pop with visual disability
Female pop with visual disability
Male pop with visual disability
Pop with hearing disability
Female pop with visual disability
Male pop with visual disability
Pop with walking disability
Female pop with walking disability
Male pop with walking disability
Pop with mental disability
Female pop with mental disability
Male pop with mental disability
Pop with disabilities
Female pop with disabilities
Male pop with disabilities
Pop born in other municipality
Female pop born in other municipality
Male pop born in other municipality
Pop born in other unit federation
Female pop born in other unit federation
Male pop born in other unit federation
Literate pop
Female literate pop
Male literate pop
Pop aged 6-11 yrs who go to school
Female pop aged 6-11 yrs who go to school
Male pop aged 6-11 yrs who go to school
Pop aged 12-17 yrs who go to school
Female pop aged 12-17 yrs who go to school
Male pop aged 12-17 yrs who go to school
Pop aged 18-24 yrs who go to school
Female pop aged18-24 yrs who go to school
Female pop aged 18-24 yrs who go to school
Employed pop
Employed female pop
Employed male pop
Unemployed pop
Unemployed female pop
Unemployed male pop
Economically inactive pop
Economically inactive female pop
Economically inactive male pop
Economically active pop
Economically active female pop
Economically active male pop
Pop total
Pct of male pop
Pct of female pop
Pct of pop aged 0-5 yrs
Pct of female pop aged 0-5 yrs
Pct of male pop aged 0-5 yrs
Pct of pop aged 6-11 yrs
Pct of female pop aged 6-11 yrs
Pct of male pop aged 6-11 yrs
Pct of pop aged 12-17 yrs
Pct of female pop aged 12-17 yrs
Pct of male pop aged 12-17 yrs
Pct of pop aged 18-24 yrs
Pct of female pop aged 18-24 yrs
Pct of male pop aged 18-24 yrs
Pct of pop aged 25-64 yrs
Pct of female pop aged 25-64 yrs
Pct of male pop aged 25-64 yrs
Pct of pop aged 65+ yrs
Pct of female pop aged 65+ yrs
Pct of male pop aged 65+ yrs
Pct of age dependency ratio
Pct of child dependency ratio
Pct of old-age dependency ratio
Pct of pop white
Pct of female white pop
Pct of male white pop
Pct of pop black
Pct of female black pop
Pct of male black pop
Pct of pop yellow
Pct of female yellow pop
Pct of male yellow pop
Pct of pop brown
Pct of female brown pop
Pct of male brown pop
Pct of pop indigenous
Pct of female indigenous pop
Pct of male indigenous pop
Pct of pop with visual disability
Pct of female pop with visual disability
Pct of male pop with visual disability
Pct of pop with hearing disability
Pct of female pop with visual disability
Pct of male pop with visual disability
Pct of pop with walking disability
Pct of female pop with walking disability
Pct of male pop with walking disability
Pct of pop with mental disability
Pct of female pop with mental disability
Pct of male pop with mental disability
Pct of pop with disabilities
Pct of female pop with disabilities
Pct of male pop with disabilities
Pct of pop born in other municipality
Pct of female pop born in other municipality
Pct of male pop born in other municipality
Pct of pop born in other unit federation
Pct of female pop born in other unit federation
Pct of male pop born in other unit federation
Pct of literate pop
Pct of female literate pop
Pct of male literate pop
Pct of pop aged 6-11 yrs who go to school
Pct of female pop aged 6-11 yrs who go to school
Pct of male pop aged 6-11 yrs who go to school
Pct of pop aged 12-17 yrs who go to school
Pct of female pop aged 12-17 yrs who go to school
Pct of male pop aged 12-17 yrs who go to school
Pct of pop aged 18-24 yrs who go to school
Pct of male pop aged 18-24 yrs who go to school
Pct of employed pop
Pct of employed female pop
Pct of Employed male pop
Pct of unemployed pop
Pct of Unemployed male pop
Pct of Unemployed male pop
Pct of economically inactive pop
Pct of economically inactive female pop
Pct of economically inactive male pop
Pct of economically active pop
Pct of economically active female pop
Pct of economically active male pop
Urban social inclusion index, national level
Urban social inclusion index scaled, national level
Urban social inclusion index group, national level
Urban social inclusion index, national level for just metro areas
Urban social inclusion index scaled, national level just metro areas
Urban social inclusion index group, national level for just metro areas
Urban social inclusion index, within metroareas
Urban social inclusion index scaled, within metroareas
Urban social inclusion index group,within metroareas
Avg occupants in dwg
Var occupants in dwg
Avg monthly nominal income of people responsible for the dwg
Var of the nominal monthly income of people responsible for permanent private dwellings (with and without income)
Avg monthly nominal income of people responsible for permanent private dwellings (with income)
Var of the nominal monthly income of people responsible for permanent private dwellings (with income)
Avg monthly nominal income of people aged 10 or over (with and without income)
Variance in the nominal monthly income of people aged 10 or over (with and without income)
Avg monthly nominal income of people aged 10 or over (with income)
White pop
Pct of white pop
Black pop
Pct of black pop
Yellow pop
Pct of yellow pop
Brown pop
Pct of browm pop
Indigenous pop
Pct of indigenous pop
White pop aged 0-4 yrs
Black pop aged 0-4 yrs
Yellow pop aged 0-4 yrs
Brown pop aged 0-4 yrs
Indigenous pop aged 0-4 yrs
Pop aged 0-4 yrs
White pop aged 5-9 yrs
Black pop aged 5-9 yrs
Yellow pop aged 5-9 yrs
Brown pop aged 5-9 yrs
Indigenous pop aged 5-9 yrs
Pop aged 5-9 yrs
White pop aged 10-14 yrs
Black pop aged 10-14 yrs
Yellow pop aged 10-14 yrs
Brown pop aged 10-14 yrs
Indigenous pop aged 10-14 yrs
Pop aged 10-14 yrs
White pop aged 15-19 yrs
Black pop aged 15-19 yrs
Yellow pop aged 15-19 yrs
Brown pop aged 15-19 yrs
Indigenous pop aged 15-19 yrs
Pop aged 15-19 yrs
White pop aged 15-17 yrs
Black pop aged 15-17 yrs
Yellow pop aged 15-17 yrs
Brown pop aged 15-17 yrs
Indigenous pop aged 15-17 yrs
Pop aged 15-17 yrs
White pop aged 18/19 yrs
Black pop aged 18/19 yrs
Yellow pop aged 18/19 yrs
Brown pop aged 18/19 yrs
Indigenous pop aged 18/19 yrs
Pop aged 18/19 yrs
White pop aged 20-24 yrs
Black pop aged 20-24 yrs
Yellow pop aged 20-24 yrs
Brown pop aged 20-24 yrs
Indigenous pop aged 20-24 yrs
Pop aged 20-24 yrs
White pop aged 25-29 yrs
Black pop aged 25-29 yrs
Yellow pop aged 25-29 yrs
Brown pop aged 25-29 yrs
Indigenous pop aged 25-29 yrs
Pop aged 25-29 yrs
White pop aged 30-34 yrs
Black pop aged 30-34 yrs
Yellow pop aged 30-34 yrs
Brown pop aged 30-34 yrs
Indigenous pop aged 30-34 yrs
Pop aged 30-34 yrs
White pop aged 35-39 yrs
Black pop aged 35-39 yrs
Yellow pop aged 35-39 yrs
Brown pop aged 35-39 yrs
Indigenous pop aged 35-39 yrs
Pop aged 35-39 yrs
White pop aged 40-44 yrs
Black pop aged 40-44 yrs
Yellow pop aged 40-44 yrs
Brown pop aged 40-44 yrs
Indigenous pop aged 40-44 yrs
Pop aged 40-44 yrs
White pop aged 45-49 yrs
Black pop aged 45-49 yrs
Yellow pop aged 45-49 yrs
Brown pop aged 45-49 yrs
Indigenous pop aged 45-49 yrs
Pop aged 45-49 yrs
White pop aged 50-54 yrs
Black pop aged 50-54 yrs
Yellow pop aged 50-54 yrs
Brown pop aged 50-54 yrs
Indigenous pop aged 50-54 yrs
Pop aged 50-54 yrs
White pop aged 55-59 yrs
Black pop aged 55-59 yrs
Yellow pop aged 55-59 yrs
Brown pop aged 55-59 yrs
Indigenous pop aged 55-59 yrs
Pop aged 55-59 yrs
White pop aged 60-69 yrs
Black pop aged 60-69 yrs
Yellow pop aged 60-69 yrs
Brown pop aged 60-69 yrs
Indigenous pop aged 60-69 yrs
Pop aged 60-69 yrs
White pop aged 70+ yrs
Black pop aged 70+ yrs
Yellow pop aged 70+ yrs
Brown pop aged 70+ yrs
Indigenous pop aged 70+ yrs
Pop aged 70+ yrs
White male pop aged 5/6 yrs
Black male pop aged 5/6 yrs
Yellow male pop aged 5/6 yrs
Brown male pop aged 5/6 yrs
Indigenous male pop aged 5/6 yrs
Male pop aged 5/6 yrs
White male pop aged 7-9 yrs
Black male pop aged 7-9 yrs
Yellow male pop aged 7-9 yrs
Brown male pop aged 7-9 yrs
Indigenous male pop aged 7-9 yrs
Male pop aged 7-9 yrs
White male pop aged 10-14 yrs
Black male pop aged 10-14 yrs
Yellow male pop aged 10-14 yrs
Brown male pop aged 10-14 yrs
Indigenous male pop aged 10-14 yrs
Male pop aged 10-14 yrs
White male pop aged 15-19 yrs
Black male pop aged 15-19 yrs
Yellow male pop aged 15-19 yrs
Brown male pop aged 15-19 yrs
Indigenous male pop aged 15-19 yrs
Male pop aged 15-19 yrs
White male pop aged 15-17 yrs
Black male pop aged 15-17 yrs
Yellow male pop aged 15-17 yrs
Brown male pop aged 15-17 yrs
Indigenous male pop aged 15-17 yrs
Male pop aged 15-17 yrs
White male pop aged 18/19 yrs
Black male pop aged 18/19 yrs
Yellow male pop aged 18/19 yrs
Brown male pop aged 18/19 yrs
Indigenous male pop aged 18/19 yrs
Male pop aged 18/19 yrs
White male pop aged 20-24 yrs
Black male pop aged 20-24 yrs
Yellow male pop aged 20-24 yrs
Brown male pop aged 20-24 yrs
Indigenous male pop aged 20-24 yrs
Male pop aged 20-24 yrs
White male pop aged 25-29 yrs
Black male pop aged 25-29 yrs
Yellow male pop aged 25-29 yrs
Brown male pop aged 25-29 yrs
Indigenous male pop aged 25-29 yrs
Male pop aged 25-29 yrs
White male pop aged 30-34 yrs
Black male pop aged 30-34 yrs
Yellow male pop aged 30-34 yrs
Brown male pop aged 30-34 yrs
Indigenous male pop aged 30-34 yrs
Male pop aged 30-34 yrs
White male pop aged 35-39 yrs
Black male pop aged 35-39 yrs
Yellow male pop aged 35-39 yrs
Brown male pop aged 35-39 yrs
Indigenous male pop aged 35-39 yrs
Male pop aged 35-39 yrs
White male pop aged 40-44 yrs
Black male pop aged 40-44 yrs
Yellow male pop aged 40-44 yrs
Brown male pop aged 40-44 yrs
Indigenous male pop aged 40-44 yrs
Male pop aged 40-44 yrs
White male pop aged 45-49 yrs
Black male pop aged 45-49 yrs
Yellow male pop aged 45-49 yrs
Brown male pop aged 45-49 yrs
Indigenous male pop aged 45-49 yrs
Male pop aged 45-49 yrs
White male pop aged 50-54 yrs
Black male pop aged 50-54 yrs
Yellow male pop aged 50-54 yrs
Brown male pop aged 50-54 yrs
Indigenous male pop aged 50-54 yrs
Male pop aged 50-54 yrs
White male pop aged 55-59 yrs
Black male pop aged 55-59 yrs
Yellow male pop aged 55-59 yrs
Brown male pop aged 55-59 yrs
Indigenous male pop aged 55-59 yrs
Male pop aged 55-59 yrs
White male pop aged 60-69 yrs
Black male pop aged 60-69 yrs
Yellow male pop aged 60-69 yrs
Brown male pop aged 60-69 yrs
Indigenous male pop aged 60-69 yrs
Male pop aged 60-69 yrs
White male pop aged 70+ yrs
Black male pop aged 70+ yrs
Yellow male pop aged 70+ yrs
Brown male pop aged 70+ yrs
Indigenous male pop aged 70+ yrs
Male pop aged 70+ yrs
White female pop aged 5/6 yrs
Black female pop aged 5/6 yrs
Yellow female pop aged 5/6 yrs
Brown female pop aged 5/6 yrs
Indigenous female pop aged 5/6 yrs
Female pop aged 5/6 yrs
White female pop aged 7-9 yrs
Black female pop aged 7-9 yrs
Yellow female pop aged 7-9 yrs
Brown female pop aged 7-9 yrs
Indigenous female pop aged 7-9 yrs
Female pop aged 7-9 yrs
White female pop aged 10-14 yrs
Black female pop aged 10-14 yrs
Yellow female pop aged 10-14 yrs
Brown female pop aged 10-14 yrs
Indigenous female pop aged 10-14 yrs
Female pop aged 10-14 yrs
White female pop aged 15-19 yrs
Black female pop aged 15-19 yrs
Yellow female pop aged 15-19 yrs
Brown female pop aged 15-19 yrs
Indigenous female pop aged 15-19 yrs
Female pop aged 15-19 yrs
White female pop aged 15-17 yrs
Black female pop aged 15-17 yrs
Yellow female pop aged 15-17 yrs
Brown female pop aged 15-17 yrs
Indigenous female pop aged 15-17 yrs
Female pop aged 15-17 yrs
White female pop aged 18/19 yrs
Black female pop aged 18/19 yrs
Yellow female pop aged 18/19 yrs
Brown female pop aged 18/19 yrs
Indigenous female pop aged 18/19 yrs
Female pop aged 18/19 yrs
White female pop aged 20 to 24 yrs
Black female pop aged 20 to 24 yrs
Yellow female pop aged 20 to 24 yrs
Brown female pop aged 20 to 24 yrs
Indigenous female pop aged 20 to 24 yrs
Female pop aged 20 to 24 yrs
White female pop aged 25 to 29 yrs
Black female pop aged 25 to 29 yrs
Yellow female pop aged 25 to 29 yrs
Brown female pop aged 25 to 29 yrs
Indigenous female pop aged 25 to 29 yrs
Female pop aged 25 to 29 yrs
White female pop aged 30 to 34 yrs
Black female pop aged 30 to 34 yrs
Yellow female pop aged 30 to 34 yrs
Brown female pop aged 30 to 34 yrs
Indigenous female pop aged 30 to 34 yrs
Female pop aged 30 to 34 yrs
White female pop aged 35 to 39 yrs
Black female pop aged 35 to 39 yrs
Yellow female pop aged 35 to 39 yrs
Brown female pop aged 35 to 39 yrs
Indigenous female pop aged 35 to 39 yrs
Female pop aged 35 to 39 yrs
White female pop aged 40-44 yrs
Black female pop aged 40-44 yrs
Yellow female pop aged 40-44 yrs
Brown female pop aged 40-44 yrs
Indigenous female pop aged 40-44 yrs
Female pop aged 40-44 yrs
White female pop aged 45-49 yrs
Black female pop aged 45-49 yrs
Yellow female pop aged 45-49 yrs
Brown female pop aged 45-49 yrs
Indigenous female pop aged 45-49 yrs
Female pop aged 45-49 yrs
White female pop aged 50-54 yrs
Black female pop aged 50-54 yrs
Yellow female pop aged 50-54 yrs
Brown female pop aged 50-54 yrs
Indigenous female pop aged 50-54 yrs
Female pop aged 50-54 yrs
White female pop aged 55-59 yrs
Black female pop aged 55-59 yrs
Yellow female pop aged 55-59 yrs
Brown female pop aged 55-59 yrs
Indigenous female pop aged 55-59 yrs
Female pop aged 55-59 yrs
White female pop aged 60-69 yrs
Black female pop aged 60-69 yrs
Yellow female pop aged 60-69 yrs
Brown female pop aged 60-69 yrs
Indigenous female pop aged 60-69 yrs
Female pop aged 60-69 yrs
White female pop aged 70+ yrs
Black female pop aged 70+ yrs
Yellow female pop aged 70+ yrs
Brown female pop aged 70+ yrs
Indigenous female pop aged 70+ yrs
Female pop aged 70+ yrs
Pop aged 0-14 yrs
Pop aged 15-69 yrs
Pct of owned dwg
Dwgs with water supply from well or spring on the property
Pct of Dwgs with water supply from well or spring on the property
Dwgs with rainwater store
Pct of Dwgs with rainwater store
Dwgs with other water supply
Pct of Dwgs with other water supply
Dwgs with garbage collected
Pct of Dwgs with garbage collected
Dwgs with garbage collected by cleaning services
Pct of Dwgs with garbage collected by cleaning services
Dwgs with garbage collected in a cleaning service dumpster
Pct of Dwgs with garbage collected in a cleaning service dumpster
Dwgs with burnt garbage on property
Pct of Dwgs with burnt garbage on property
Permanent private dwellings with buried garbage on property
Pct of permanent private dwellings with buried garbage on property
Dwgs with garbage thrown in vacant lot or backyard
Pct of Dwgs with garbage thrown in vacant lot or backyard
Dwgs with garbage thrown into river, lake or sea
Pct of Dwgs with garbage thrown into river, lake or sea
Dwgs with garbage deposited or treated in another way
Pct of Dwgs with garbage deposited or treated in another way
Dwlgs with eletrical energy from distribution company
Dwlgs with eletrical energy from others sources
Dwlgs with eletrical energy from distribution company
Dwlgs without eletrical energy from others sources
Dwgs with 1 resident
Dwgs with 2 residents
Dwgs with 3 residents
Dwgs with 4 residents
Dwgs with 5 residents
Dwgs with 6 residents
Dwgs with 7 residents
Dwgs with 8 residents
Dwgs with 9 residents
Dwgs with 10+ residents
Dwgs with a man as the provider and 1+ resident
Dwgs with a man as the provider and 2+ residents
Dwgs with a man as the provider and 3+ residents
Dwgs with a man as the provider and 4+ residents
Dwgs with a man as the provider and 5+ residents
Dwgs with a man as the provider and 6+ residents
Dwgs with a man as the provider and without another resident
Dwgs with a woman as the provider and 1+ resident
Dwgs with a woman as the provider and 2+ residents
Dwgs with a woman as the provider and 3+ residents
Dwgs with a woman as the provider and 4+ residents
Dwgs with a woman as the provider and 5+ residents
Dwgs with a woman as the provider and 6+ residents
Geographical level:
Madhya Pradesh
Himachal Pradesh
Nct Of Delhi
Uttar Pradesh
West Bengal
Jammu & Kashmir
Arunachal Pradesh
Daman & Diu
Dadra & Nagar Haveli
Andhra Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Census variable theme:
Dwellings-ownership status
Census variable:
Male pop
Female pop
Male/female ratio
Pop aged 0 - 6 yrs
Pct of pop aged 0 - 6 yrs
Male pop aged 0 - 6 yrs
Female pop aged 0 - 6 yrs
Pop scheduled castes
Pct of pop scheduled castes
Male pop scheduled castes
Female pop scheduled castes
Pop scheduled tribes
Pct of pop scheduled tribes
Male pop scheduled tribes
Female pop scheduled tribes
Illiterate pop
Pct of Illiterate pop
Illiterate male pop
Pct of Illiterate pop
Illiterate female pop
Pct of Illiterate pop
Working pop
Working male pop
Working female pop
Main wkrs pop
Main wkrs male pop
Main wkrs female pop
Main wkrs as cultivators pop
Main wkrs as cultivators male pop
Main wkrs as cultivators female pop
Main wkrs as agricultural labour pop
Main wkrs as agricultural labour male pop
Main wkrs as agricultural labour female pop
Main wkrs on a household industry pop
Main wkrs on a household industry male pop
Main wkrs on a household industry female pop
Others main wkrs pop
Others main wkrs male pop
Others main wkrs female pop
Marginal wkrs pop
Marginal wkrs male pop
Marginal wkrs female pop
Marginal wkrs as cultivators pop
Marginal wkrs as cultivators male pop
Marginal wkrs as cultivators female pop
Marginal wkrs as agricultural labour pop
Marginal wkrs as agricultural labour male pop
Marginal wkrs as agricultural labour female pop
Marginal wkrs on a household industry pop
Marginal wkrs on a household industry male pop
Marginal wkrs on a household industry female pop
Others marginal wkrs pop
Others marginal wkrs male pop
Others marginal wkrs female pop
Marginal wkrs who worked from 3 - 6 months pop
Marginal wkrs who worked from 3 - 6 months male pop
Marginal wrks who worked from 3 - 6 months female pop
Marginal wkrs as cultivators who worked from 3 - 6 months pop
Marginal wkrs as cultivators who worked from 3 - 6 months male pop
Marginal wkrs as cultivators who worked from 3 - 6 months female pop
Main wkrs as agricultural labour who worked from 3 - 6 months pop
Main wkrs as agricultural labour who worked from 3 - 6 months male pop
Main wkrs as agricultural labour who worked from 3 - 6 months female pop
Marginal wkrs on a household industry who worked from 3 - 6 months pop
Marginal wkrs on a household industry who worked from 3 - 6 months male pop
Marginal wkrs on a household industry who worked from 3 - 6 months female pop
Others marginal wkrs who worked from 3 - 6 months pop
Others marginal wkrs who worked from 3 - 6 months male pop
Others marginal wkrs a who worked from 3 - 6 months female pop
Marginal wkrs who worked less than 3 months pop
Marginal wkrs who worked less than 3 months male pop
Marginal wkrs who worked less than 3 months female pop
Marginal wkrs as cultivators who worked less than 3 months pop
Marginal wkrs as cultivators who worked less than 3 months male pop
Marginal wkrs as cultivators who worked less than 3 months female pop
Marginal wkrs as agricultural labour who worked less than 3 months pop
Marginal wkrs as agricultural labour who worked less than 3 months male pop
Marginal wkrs as agricultural labour who worked less than 3 months female pop
Marginal wkrs on a household industry who worked less than 3 months pop
Marginal wkrs on a household industry who worked less than 3 months male pop
Marginal wkrs on a household industry who worked less than 3 months female pop
Others marginal wkrs who worked less than 3 months pop
Others marginal wkrs who worked less than 3 months male pop
Marginal wkrs as other wkr who worked less than 3 months female pop
Non-wkrs pop
Non-wkrs male pop
Non-wkrs female pop
Total dwellings
Pct of dwlgs in good cond
Pct of dwlgs in livable cond
Pct of dwlgs in dilapidated cond
Pct of resid dwg
Pct of resid dwg which have good cond
Pct of resid dwg which have livable cond
Pct of resid dwg which have dilapidated cond
Pct of mixed-use dwlgs.
Pct of mixed-use dwlgs in good cond
Pct of mixed-use dwlgs in livable cond
Pct of mixed-use dwlgs in dilapidated cond
Pct of dwlgs with natural materials roof
Pct of dwlgs with plastic / polythene roof
Pct of dwlgs with hand made tiles roof
Pct of dwlgs with machine made tiles roof
Pct of dwlgs with burnt brick roof
Pct of dwlgs with stone/ slate roof
Pct of dwlgs with G.I./metal/ asbestos sheets roof
Pct of dwlgs with concrete roof
Pct of dwlgs with any other material roof
Pct of dwlgs with natural materials walls
Pct of dwlgs with plastic / polythene walls
Pct of dwlgs with mud / unburnt brick walls
Pct of dwlgs with wood walls
Pct of dwlgs with stone not packed with mortar walls
Pct of dwlgs with stone packed with mortar walls
Pct of dwlgs with G.I./ metal/ asbestos sheets walls
Pct of dwlgs with burnt brick walls
Pct of dwlgs with concrete walls
Pct of dwlgs with any other material walls
Pct of dwlgs with mud floor
Pct of dwlgs with wood / bamboo floor
Pct of dwlgs with burnt brick floor
Pct of dwlgs with stone floor
Pct of dwlgs with cement floor
Pct of dwlgs with mosaic / floor tiles floor
Pct of dwlgs with any other material floor
Pct of dwlgs with permanent structure
Pct of dwlgs with semi-permanent structure
Pct of dwlgs with temporary structure
Pct of dwlgs with serviceable structure
Pct of dwlgs with non-serviceable structure
Pct of dwlgs with unclassifiable structure
Pct of households without exclusive rooms
Pct of households with 1 room
Pct of households with 2 rooms
Pct of households with 3 rooms
Pct of households with 4 rooms
Pct of households with 5 rooms
Pct of households with 6+ rooms
Pct of one-person households.
Pct of households formed by 2 people
Pct of households formed by 3 people
Pct of households formed by 4 people
Pct of households formed by 5 people
Pct of households formed by 6, 7 or 8 people
Pct of households formed by 9+ people
Pct of households living in an owned dwelling.
Pct of households living in a rented dwelling.
Pct of households living in in any other ownership status dwelling.
Pct of households with none married couples
Pct of households with 1 married couple
Pct of households with 2 married couples
Pct of households with 3 married couples
Pct of households with 4 married couples
Pct of households with 5+ married couples
Pct of dwlgs with tap water from treated source.
Pct of dwlgs with tap water from un-treated source
Pct of dwlgs with covered well
Pct of dwlgs with un-covered well
Pct of dwlgs with handpump
Pct of dwlgs with tubewell / borehole
Pct of dwlgs with spring
Pct of dwlgs with river / canal
Pct of dwlgs with tank/ pond/ lake
Pct of dwlgs with other sources of drinking water
Pct of dwlgs with the source of drinking water located within their premises
Pct of dwlgs with the source of drinking water located near their premises
Pct of dwlgs with the source of drinking water located away their premises
Pct of dwlgs with electricity
Pct of dwlgs with kerosene
Pct of dwlgs with solar energy
Pct of dwlgs with other oil
Pct of dwlgs with any other source of lighting
Pct of dwlgs without lighting
Pct of dwlgs having latrine facilities within the premises
Pct of dwlgs with latrine connected to piped sewer system
Pct of dwlgs with latrine connected to septic tank
Pct of dwlgs with latrine connected to other system
Pct of dwlgs with slab / ventilated improved pit
Pct of dwlgs without slab / open pit
Pct of dwlgs with night soil disposed into open drain
Pct of dwlgs with night soil removed by human
Pct of dwlgs with night soil serviced by animals
Pct of dwlgs without latrine within the premises
Pct of dwlgs without latrine within the premises and uses a public one
Pct of dwlgs without latrine within the premises and uses an open one
Pct of dwlgs with bathroom within the premises
Pct of dwlgs with bathroom without roof within the premises
Pct of dwlgs without bathroom within the premises
Pct of dwlgs with waste water outlet connected to closed drainage
Pct of dwlgs with waste water outlet connected to open drainage
Pct of dwlgs with waste water outlet connected to no drainage
Pct of dwlgs with fire-wood as the predominant fuel using for cooking
Pct of dwlgs with crop residue as the predominant fuel using for cooking
Pct of dwlgs with cowdung cake as the predominant fuel using for cooking
Pct of dwlgs with coal, lignite or charcoal as the predominant fuel using for cooking
Pct of dwlgs with kerosene as the predominant fuel using for cooking
Pct of dwlgs with LPG/PNG as the predominant fuel using for cooking
Pct of dwlgs with electricity as the predominant fuel using for cooking
Pct of dwlgs with biogas as the predominant fuel using for cooking
Pct of dwlgs with any other type of fuel using for cooking
Pct of dwlgs that did not cook
Pct of dwlgs that cooked
Pct of dwlgs that cooked inside the house
Pct of dwlgs that cooked inside the house with kitchen
Pct of dwlgs that cooked inside the house without kitchen
Pct of dwlgs that cooked outside the house
Pct of dwlgs that cooked outside the house with kitchen
Pct of dwlgs that cooked outside the house without kitchen
Pct of dwlgs that did not cook
Pct of dwlgs availing banking services
Pct of dwlgs without availing banking services
Pct of households with radio / transistor
Pct of households without tv
Pct of households without internet
Pct of households with landline only
Pct of households with cellphone only
Pct of households with landline and cellphone
Pct of households with bicycle
Pct of households with scooter/ motorcycle / moped
Pct of households without car/ jeep / van
Pct of households with TV, computer/laptop, telephone / mobile phone and scooter/ car
Pct of households with none of the assets specified
Geographical level:
Norte De Santander
Valle Del Cauca
Bogotá, D.c.
La Guajira
Archipiélago De San Andrés, Providencia Y Santa Catalina
Census variable theme:
Census variable:
Dwlgs in an ethnic territoriality
Pct of dwlgs in an ethnic territoriality
Dwlgs in an indigenous ethnic territoriality
Pct of dwlgs in an indigenous ethnic territoriality
Dwlgs in a collective black community territory
Pct of dwlgs in a collective black community territory
Pct of dwlgs_house
Dwlgs with exterior walls of artificial or processed materials
Pct of dwlgs with exterior walls of artificial or processed materials
Dwlgs with exterior walls of natural or unprocessed materials
Pct of dwlgs with exterior walls of natural or unprocessed materials
Dwlgs with exterior walls of waste materials
Pct of dwlgs with exterior walls of waste materials
Dwlgs without exterior walls
Pct of dwlgs without exterior walls
Dwlgs with dirt floor
Pct of dwlgs with dirt floor
Pct of dwlgs without dirt floor
Dwlgs without electrical energy
Pct of dwlgs without electrical energy
Pct of dwlgs with electrical energy
Dwlgs classified with stratum 0
Pct of dwlgs classified with stratum 0
Dwlgs classified with stratum 1
Pct of dwlgs classified with stratum 1
Dwlgs classified with stratum 2
Pct of dwlgs classified with stratum 2
Dwlgs classified with stratum 3
Pct of dwlgs classified with stratum 3
Dwlgs classified with stratum 4
Pct of dwlgs classified with stratum 4
Dwlgs classified with stratum 5
Pct of dwlgs classified with stratum 5
Dwlgs classified with stratum 6
Pct of dwlgs classified with stratum 6
Dwlgs without piped water
Pct of dwlgs without piped water
Pct of dwlgs with piped water
Dwlgs without sewerage
Pct of dwlgs without sewerage
Pct of dwlgs with sewerage
Dwlgs without natural gas service
Pct of dwlgs without natural gas service
Pct of dwlgs with natural gas service
Dwlgs without garbage collection service
Pct of dwlgs with garbage collection service
Dwlgs without internet
Pct of dwlgs without internet
Pct of dwlgs with internet
Dwlgs with toilet connected to the sewage system
Pct of dwlgs with toilet connected to the sewage system
Dwlgs with toilet connected to the septic tank
Pct of dwlgs with toilet connected to the septic tank
Dwlgs with toilet without connection or with direct discharges to water sources or with latrine.
Pct of dwlgs with toilet without connection or with direct discharges to water sources or with latrine.
Dwlgs without electrical energy neither piped water neither sanitary service (toilet)
Pct of dwlgs without electrical energy neither piped water neither sanitary service (toilet)
Households with 1 room
Pct of households with 1 room
Households with 2 rooms
Pct of households with 2 rooms
Households with 3+ rooms
Pct of households with 3+ rooms
Avg occupants per room
Pct of households with avg occupants per room less than 2.5
Households with kitchen
Pct of households with kitchen
Households with kitchen shared with another room
Pct of households with kitchen shared with another room
Household with water served by village aqueduct
Pct of household with water served by village aqueduct
Household with water served by another source
Pct of household with water served by another source
Households with piped water
Pct of households with piped water
Male pop
Female pop
Pop aged 0-4 yrs
Female pop aged 0-4 yrs
Male pop aged 0-4 yrs
Pop aged 5-9 yrs
Female pop aged 5-9 yrs
Male pop aged 5-9 yrs
Pop aged 10-14 yrs
Pct of pop aged 10-14 yrs
Female pop aged 10-14 yrs
Male pop aged 10-14 yrs
Pop aged 15-19 yrs
Female pop aged 15-19 yrs
Male pop aged 15-19 yrs
Pop aged 20-24 yrs
Female pop aged 20-24 yrs
Male pop aged 20-24 yrs
Pop aged 25 -64 yrs
Female pop aged 25-64 yrs
Male pop aged 25 -64 yrs
Pop aged 65+ yrs
Female pop aged 65+ yrs
Male pop aged 65+ yrs
Pop aged 0-14 yrs
Female pop aged 0-14 yrs
Male pop aged 0-14 yrs
Pop aged 15+ yrs
Female pop aged 15+ yrs
Male pop aged 15+ yrs
Pop aged 20+ yrs
Female pop aged 20+ yrs
Male pop aged 20+ yrs
Single mothers
Pop with ethnic recognition
Female pop with ethnic recognition
Male pop with ethnic recognition
Pop who were not borned in the municipality
Pct of pop who were not borned in the municipality
Male pop who were not borned in the municipality
Female pop who were not borned in the municipality
Pop who had health problem
Female pop who had health problem
Male pop who had health problem
Pop who had health problems and who were not treated at the Social Segurity Health Entity
Female pop who had health problems and who were not treated at the Social Segurity Health Entity
Male pop who had health problems and who were not treated at the Social Segurity Health Entity
Illiterate pop
Illiterate female pop
Illiterate male pop
Pop aged 25+ with basic education completed
Pct of pop aged 25+ with basic education completed
Female pop aged 25+ with basic education completed
Pct of female pop aged 25+ with basic education completed
Male pop aged 25+ with basic education completed
Pct of male pop aged 25+ with basic education completed
Pop aged 25+ with upper secondary education completed
Female pop aged 25+ with upper secondary education completed
Male pop aged 25+ with upper secondary education completed
Pop aged 25+ with higher education completed
Female pop aged 25+ with higher education completed
Male pop aged 25+ with higher education completed
Pop aged 10-14 yrs who did not go to school
Pct of pop aged 10-14 yrs who did not go to school
Pct of pop aged 10-14 yrs who went to school
Female pop aged 10-14 yrs who did not go to school
Pct of female pop aged 10-14 yrs who did not go to school
Male pop aged 10-14 yrs who did not go to school
Pct of male pop aged 10-14 yrs who did not go to school
Pop aged 15-19 yrs who did not go to school
Pct of pop aged 15-19 yrs who did not go to school
Pct of pop aged 15-19 yrs who went to school
Female pop aged 15-19 yrs who did not go to school
Pct of female pop aged 15-19 yrs who did not go to school
Male pop aged 15-19 yrs who did not go to school
Pct of male pop aged 15-19 yrs who did not go to school
Pop aged 20-24 yrs who did not go to school
Pct of pop aged 20-24 yrs who did not go to school
Pct of pop aged 20-24 yrs who went to school
Female pop aged 20-24 yrs who did not go to school
Pct of female pop aged 20-24 yrs who did not go to school
Male pop aged 20-24 yrs who did not go to school
Pct of m ale pop aged 20-24 yrs who did not go to school
Employed pop
Employed female pop
Employed male pop
Employed pop under 15
Employed female pop under 15
Employed male pop under 15
Pop with disabilities
Female pop with disabilities
Male pop with disabilities
Heads of household
Female heads of household
Pct of female heads of household
Male heads of household
Pct of male heads of household
Prop of males vs females
Dependency rate of total age
Dependency rate of childhood
Dependency rate of old age
Pct of population aged 25-64
Mothers aged less than 15 years
Pct of others aged less than 15 years
Pct of single mothers
Pct of pop with ethnic recognition
Pct of female pop with ethnic recognition
Pct of male pop with ethnic recognition
Pct of female pop who were not borned in the municipality
Pct of male pop who were not borned in the municipality
Pct of pop who had health problem
Pct of female pop who had health problem
Pct of male pop who had health problem
Pct of pop who had health problems and who were not treated at the Social Segurity Health Entity
Pct of female pop who had health problems and who were not treated at the Social Segurity Health Entity
Pct of male pop who had health problems and who were not treated at the Social Segurity Health Entity
Pct of illiterate pop
Pct of illiterate female pop
Pct of illiterate male pop
Pct of pop aged 25+ with upper secondary education completed
Pct of female pop aged 25+ with upper secondary education completed
Pct of male pop aged 25+ with upper secondary education completed
Pct of pop aged 25+ with higher education completed
Pct of female pop aged 25+ with higher education completed
Pct of male pop aged 25+ with higher education completed
Pct of employed pop
Pct of employed female pop
Pct of employed male pop
Pct of employed pop under 15
Pct of unemployed pop under 15
Pct of employed female pop under 15
Pct of employed male pop under 15
Pct of pop with disabilities
Pct of female pop with disabilities
Pct of male pop with disabilities
DANE´s vulnerability classification
DANE´s poverty index
DANE´s pregnancy vulnerability classification
Urban social inclusion index, national level
Urban social inclusion index scaled, national level
Urban social inclusion index group, national level
Urban social inclusion index, within aglomerations
Urban social inclusion index scaled, within aglomerations
Urban social inclusion index group, within aglomerations
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